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Note: All ants for sale have a legal shipping range. Check the map to see if you're eligible to buy these ants! Queens are included in all colony sizes.

Lasius sitiens inspecting nestmate

Arid Lasius Ant (Lasius sitiens)

Lasius sitiens For Sale!


Lasius sitiens is a small, light brown/yellowish species of Lasius from the lower mountains of western North America. It is notable for its lifestyle in the wild: Lasius sitiens forms colonies that are almost completely subterranean, living off of aphids which they farm underground like cattle. In captivity, they do well with regular feeding. This species is a good host for Lasius latipes. They LOVE liquid sugars, but must be fed small drops to avoid drowning.


NOTE that the variant sold has darker, more brownish nanitics than pictures show - this may be a result of them being from a different population, but they are still Lasius sitiens.


STATES AVAILABLE TO BUY LASIUS SITIENS: Arizona, California, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming

  • Species Info

    General: Lasius sitiens is a small, brown/yellow species of Lasius from western North America. Though unrelated to most other subterranean Lasius, this species has adapted to living mostly underground with their aphid cattle. 


    Diet: These ants are used to having lots of sugars at their disposal - in captivity, it should be the same. Make sure they always have their gasters somewhat full of sugars (sugarwater, honeywater) but also that you feed them in small enough drops that they don't drown, and don't leave leftover liquids. Feed the ants sugars on something like a piece of tinfoil. These ants also need protein in their diet to grow the colony in size. This can be fruit flies (their favorite), crickets, or mealworms.


    Temperature: This species enjoys being in the 70s for most of the nest (71-75) but also with a section that is warmer (above 80). If the ants are still in the test tube, heat the front of the tube, far from the water reservoir. They will move brood closer to speed up growth if they desire. They might not grow at room temperature.


    Diapause: This species needs to diapause for a short time each year. Ideally, they are placed in a cooler environment (40-50 degrees) for 1.5-3 months. Make sure they are still full of food during this time and that they have access to water and moisture.


    Growth: Brood development can take anywhere between 7-10 weeks. Queens tend to lay eggs in batches, which get progressively larger. Colonies reach a few dozen workers in the first season, but after their first hibernation they can reach hundreds more workers with ideal feeding and heating. Colonies likely reach into the thousands eventually.


    Queen size: 7-8mm

    Worker size: 3mm

  • Live Arrival Guaranteed

    If ants arrive in bad condition, contact us for help. Live arrival is guaranteed.


    Shipping happens from Monday-Wednesday. During the winter, shipping may cost more due to the need of a heat pack.

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