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Note: All ants for sale have a legal shipping range. Check the map to see if you're eligible to buy these ants! Queens are included in all colony sizes.

Black Desert Harvester Ants (Veromessor pergandei)

Black Desert Harvester Ants (Veromessor pergandei) For Sale!


Veromessor pergandei is a medium-large shiny black harvester ant from the southwest with impressively polymorphic workers. These ants harvest and eat seeds!



  • Species Info

    General: Veromessor pergandei is a medium-large harvester ant from the deserts of the Southwest. Their workers range in size greatly and colonies get very large. They have a voracious appetite for seeds.


    Diet: These ants love seeds, with insects being recommended weekly or twice weekly. Seeds like Kentucky Bluegrass and Dandelion work well for V. pergandei. Protein benefits queen health greatly!


    Temperature: Keep these ants heated at around 78-85 degrees fahrenheit. Provide a gradient if you can, and keep in mind that these ants will not grow if they don't have a heat source. Part of the nest should be cooler, for the eggs and larvae, and part should be warmer, for the pupae.


    Diapause: Veromessor pergandei do not need to diapause. Although they can withstand low temperatures for some periods of time, it isn't necessary.


    Growth: Brood development takes 5-8 weeks. If you're heating them and they're well-fed, this will be closer to 5-6 weeks. Colonies get into the tens of thousands and can be in the thousands within a year or two!


    Queen size: 10-11mm

    Worker size: 4-8mm

  • Live Arrival Guaranteed

    If ants arrive in bad condition, contact us for help. Live arrival is guaranteed.


    Shipping happens from Monday-Wednesday. During the winter, shipping may cost more due to the need of a heat pack.

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